The Best Shmups on Super NES

Nintendo’s 16-bit console is mostly known for its many great adventure and roleplaying games, but what about its shooting games? Unfortunately for us in Europe, the EU/PAL region saw very few shmup releases for the platform. Looking outside our own region however, we can find more of them – and some really good ones, too.
The following is an alphabetical list of (basically) all the best shmups on the Super NES.
Acrobat Mission (JPN)
Acrobat Mission was only released in Japan and is a vertical shooter. Overall, this is perhaps among the weaker titles on this list as this is a very standard shooter with not much going for it. It has some tough bosses, the graphics are colorful and the game runs fast. On the downside, it has annoying sound effects and some really weird weapons that are almost useless; the built-in charge up shot among them.
Aero Fighters (USA) / Sonic Wings (JPN)
This is a very well made arcade port. It’s highly enjoyable in every way – the graphics are colorful and fast, the music is great and the gameplay is intense. It features a great two-player co-op mode, four different playable ships and has random level order for some extra replay value. The difficulty level is approachable but still pretty tough, especially later on in the game. This is a game that really shows that the Super Nintendo hardware can do arcade shooter ports rather competently.
Axelay (EU)
Axelay is a Super NES exclusive shooter that relies heavily on the Mode 7 graphics mode to create a 3D illusion for its vertically scrolling levels. It also features traditional horizontal scrolling levels, multiple weapons options and the ability to choose loadout between each stage. This is a tough game that throws you back to the beginning of the stage every time you use a continue. It has great visuals and audio, but its gameplay suffers a bit due to the strange 3D perspective and the punishing hitbox of your ship.
BlaZeon (USA)
Another arcade game that was ported to the SNES. This is a horizontally scrolling shoot ’em up where you can assume the shapes of enemy robots and thus alter your weaponry. The level design is pretty weak on this one as there’s occasionally long segments where absolutely nothing happens. Some of the weapons are pretty useless, which takes away from the fun. This is not the strongest in the line-up, but it’s worth checking out if you are collecting shooters on the platform.
BioMetal (EU)
This one is a tough as nails horizontally scrolling shooter. It features blazing fast gameplay, arcade like graphics and corny 90s house music. There are a few different weapons and sub-weapons you can collect and the ship can expend energy to form four blue energy orbs that can either act as a shield or be sent forth to attack enemies, causing massive damage. This is a good game that will take a while to master with its six levels filled with tricky enemy attack patterns.
Caravan Shooting Collection (JPN)
This cartridge includes three classic NES Hudson shooters; Star Force, Star Soldier and Hector ’87. All three games are faithfully ported and run just great, allowing for some really competitive scoring in each of these games. Sadly it does not save your high scores, and as far as we know switching between the three games requires you to reset the console. Overall though, this is a great bundle of shooting love.
Choujikuu Yousai Macross – Scrambled Valkyrie (JPN)
A brutally difficult horizontal scroller where you can play as three different characters. Each playable ship can transform into three different forms, all of which have different weapons that can be powered-up independently. You have an energy bar, so you won’t die from one hit but you only get one life. Getting hit can also downgrade your current weapon. Using a continue sends you back to the beginning of the stage. The game plays smoothly and has very nice graphics and sound.
D-Force (USA) / Dimension Force (JPN)
Another rather standard vertical helicopter shooter. D-Force reminds strongly of the classic Ashura Blaster in the arcades. The game feels a bit slow, has numerous frame rate problems and has a brutally big hitbox on your player ship. Otherwise the graphics are pretty colorful and varied. The game is pretty lengthy too and is sprinkled with some seriously challenging segments.
Darius Twin (EU)
A Super Nintendo exclusive entry in the Darius series. This is a pretty good horizontal shooter with great graphics and music. It plays just perfectly but its difficulty level is a bit unbalanced – most of the attack waves and bosses are a bit on the easy side but you’re only given one coin to clear the game! It has a two player mode, which makes for some quality couch co-op action.
Gradius III (EU)
Gradius has been a fan favorite for decades now, and this SNES port does full justice to the arcade original. As far as SNES shooters go, it doesn’t really get much better than this. It has great arcade like graphics, fantastic music and exactly the kind of challenging gameplay that you would expect from a Gradius title.
Gokujou Parodius (JPN)
A delightful horizontal shoot ’em up with super colorful graphics and cuteness overload. This is another arcade original which is lovingly ported to the home console. Despite its cute graphics, it plays like a real hardcore arcade shooter, featuring multiple different playable ships and numerous tricky attack waves. The levels are varied and something crazy is going on almost non-stop. Perfect for fans of Gradius – Vic Viper is one of the playable ships!
Imperium (USA)
This is a vertical shooter that’s also a merciless hardcore challenge. It features an interesting mechanic where you gain EXP for enemies defeated, which in turn allows you to ‘level up’ and increase your hit points and weapons. The game runs smoothly and has good graphics and music. The difficulty level does scare me away, but I can also appreciate when a game does not pull punches.
Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius (JPN)
This is the third Parodius game on the platform and easily one of the best games overall that’s available on Super NES. It has incredible hardware defying sound and graphics, crisp gameplay and lots of different playable ships to choose from. The difficulty level is very high, but with memorization you’ll be able to push further and further with every game. Really great stuff overall – a massive game that definitely should have been released in the west!
Parodius – Non-Sense Fantasy (EU)
Chronologically the first of three Parodius games on the system and the only one that was released in Europe. The game looks and plays just beautifully. As with the other games in the series, this is a real shmup challenge that will take a long time to memorize and master. It has four different playable ships and features tricky bosses, large stages and wicked humor.
Phalanx – The Enforce Fighter A-144 (EU)
A really interesting arcade style side-scroller that features some pretty tricky levels, optional bonus zones and a few different power-ups that really alters your abilities. Overall a very enjoyable game that offers lots of high-speed action and great replay value.
Pop’n Twinbee (EU)
An absolutely adorable cute ’em up in the Twinbee series. This is a vertical shooter that really shows the strengths of the hardware both graphically and sound wise. The bell power-up system makes it tricky to get the exact power-ups that you want, but it’s definitely worth it as the power trip that ensues is both addicting and satisfying. Supports two players in co-op mode. Top quality game!
R-Type III – The Third Lightning (EU)
Known for its devilish difficulty level, R-Type III demands perfect memorization and split second decision-making. The game looks absolutely amazing, especially for a 16-bit game and the music is top quality as well. If you’ve played through the first two R-Type games, you really should try the third in the series, as it delivers more of the same but with fresh new twists.
Raiden Trad (USA)
Raiden Trad is a great vertical shooter that features killer music. The game comes off as a bit slow and jerky due to it being a little rough around the edges when it comes to the animation, but it is fully enjoyable regardless. The difficulty level is a bit unbalanced, as it heavily depends on whether you have managed to collect power-ups or not, and what’s more, you are only given one continue to clear the entire game.
Spriggan Powered (JPN)
A fan-favorite side-scrolling mecha shooter. It features lightning fast gameplay and really great music. I find the difficulty level to be a bit on the punishing side, but I’m sure more practice will make this game manageable. Its weapon power-ups aren’t as flashy and bombastic as in other similar games but nevertheless, Spriggan Powered would be a solid choice for anyone looking for shooting games on Super NES.
Strike Gunner S.T.G (USA)
This is a rather slow game with strange difficulty spikes. It has long intervals where nothing happens, and the background graphics is pretty bland. However, it does feature a ton of different sub-weapons and the game runs smoothly. If you use a continue, you go back to the beginning of the stage – and the stages are long! It does also feature a two player co-op mode, where a dead player gets to re-enter the game for every new stage.
Super Aleste (EU)
Amazing game with addicting scoring mechanics, insane power-ups and lots of tricky attack waves to battle. This game is simply epic. It sports great graphics and has a nice soundtrack. The game runs smoothly despite being very busy with enemies, explosions, bullets, destructible background props and nice special effects. This one easily becomes a favorite.
Super Earth Defense Force (EU)
Another super difficult side-scrolling shooter. Here you get to select a weapon before each stage and killing enemies will eventually level up your selected weapon. Your ship also has two detachable attack pods that can function as external shields. This game has really good music but unfortunately also some really shrill sound effects.
Super Nova (USA) / Darius Force (JPN)
If Darius Twin is too easy for you, then Super Nova will certainly offer you a challenge. This is a huge side-scrolling shmup with three different playable ships, many stages and some mean bosses. The power-ups are rare and dying will make you lose them. You are given three continues to beat the entire game, and each continue sends you back to the beginning of the stage. The game has great production values and is sure to satisfy fans of Darius.
Super R-Type (EU)
If the original R-Type was too easy for you; Super R-Type is sadistically difficult, even on the default Easy setting. It mixes elements from the first two games in the series and adds new levels and monsters. You’ll also notice that power-ups are more rare here compared to other games in the series and dying sends you back to the beginning of the level. Fans of the series will recognize remakes of classic songs and the graphics look crisp as ever.
Super SWIV (EU)
Often hailed as a staple co-op shooter, Super SWIV is a vertical scroller where you play as either a jeep or a helicopter. The two play slightly differently as the jeep can shoot in eight directions and has to move around obstacles, while the helicopter has to avoid colliding with flying enemies. There’s also bonus weapons you can collect, and overall the game is a fun challenge especially with two players.
Thunder Spirits (USA)
This is the Super NES version of Thunder Force III and it is a viciously tough horizontal scrolling shoot ’em up. This particular version does not have any auto fire functionality, which severely hampers the enjoyment of the game. Mashing the fire button for every shot is just inhumane in games like this. Otherwise this is a great game with nice graphics and great music. A real challenge for shmup fans.
U.N. Squadron (EU)
A classic Capcom arcade shooter ported to the home console! This is a really hard side-scroller in which you can play as three different pilots, and what’s more, you can purchase different ships and weapons for them in between stages. You can also select the order of stages, which really allows you to utilize the weapons where they are the most effective. Overall a great port of the arcade original which plays beautifully and sounds brilliant.